Monday, January 19, 2015

Thinking of Living in The Middle East? Which City Rates as the Most Expensive on the Cost Of Living Rankings?

Considering moving to the Middle East, raises many questions.  Which country are we moving to? Will we cope with the culture change?  How much will our every day living change?  How big is the expat community? What about people from our own country? Are the schools good? Will they have the same schooling system that our children are used to?The questions go on and on....

Interestingly, many people do the basic calculations on how much it will cost to live in the desired city, but many do not take all the relevant costs into account. assists subscribers to calculate expatriate pay using the online calculators and extensive database of cost of living and hardship indexes, for 780 international locations. Data is collected from 50 types of data sources, including local service providers in each location, international service providers, official governmental statistics and global agency data. The data is thoroughly quality assured and manually checked by Xpatulator Analysts. 

Jerusalem in Israel is ranked as the most expensive city to live in as an expat in the region but ranks 136th worldwide, this is followed by Abu DhabiDoha and Dubai respectively.

For expat's the strong shekel has made imports more expensive, and the relatively high cost of housing has further contributed to Israel becoming the most expensive country, and Jerusalem the most expensive city in the Middle East.

Six Year Top Ten Ranking Comparison:

For the full listing go here.

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