Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cost of Living Asia-Pacific - October 2011

Asia-Pacific has 2 of the 4 most expensive cities in the world. Tokyo is the most expensive place in the world for expatriates while Hong Kong is the fourth most expensive (and most expensive in greater China). Cities in mainland China remain relatively cheap, mainly due to the pegging of the Chinese Yuan to the US Dollar which has kept costs down. Japan and Australia both have 4 cities in the top 10 most expensive cities in Asia-Pacific.

The ten most expensive cities in Asia-Pacific (Global rank in brackets):
1. Japan, Tokyo (1)
2. China, Hong Kong (4)
3. Japan, Osaka (7)
4. Australia, Sydney (10)
5. Japan, Nagoya (12)
6. Australia, Canberra (13)
7. Japan, Yokohama (17)
8. Australia, Melbourne (18)
9. Australia, Perth (19)
10.Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby (20)

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