Friday, February 11, 2011

Should you look for work in China?

Worried that her job might be cut in Texas, IT professional Elisa Sumner took a big step by deciding to work on the other side of the world in Shanghai, China.

Sumner's high-tech company in Austin, Texas, was laying off people in her area of the business and hiring aggressively in Asia. The 45-year-old decided to take a job in Shanghai and move with her company, even though she could have eventually found work elsewhere in the United States.

Sumner's husband, Joel Sumner, a senior research and development manager, followed her to China with a job that has evolved into something "bigger" than his old one.

Gregory Hubbs, editor-in-chief of Transitions Abroad, a clearinghouse for international job advice and opportunities, has seen a significant spike in inquiries from Americans interested in expat employment since the economy began to tank in 2007.

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