Monday, November 1, 2010

Kenya, Nairobi - Cost of Living

The economy of Kenya is market-based, with some state-owned infrastructure enterprises, and maintains a liberalized external trade system. The economy?s heavy dependence on rain-fed agriculture and the tourism sector leaves it vulnerable to cycles of boom and bust. The agricultural sector employs nearly 75 percent of the country's 37 million people. Half of the sector?s output remains subsistence production.

Nairobi is the capital and largest city of Kenya. Nairobi is the regional headquarters of several international companies and organiations. Goods manufactured in Nairobi include clothing, textiles, building materials, processed foods, beverages, cigarettes.

Nairobi has an overall cost of living index which equates it with low cost of living locations. The overall cost of living index is comprised of the prices for defined quantities of the same goods and services across all 13 Basket Groups.

The latest cost of living rank for each of the 13 Basket Groups is now available.

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